a private & selective portrayal of NAVIA from genshin impact, mused by ajax. mun is 18 and neurodivergentshe, the president of SPINA di ROSULA, and the golden demoiselle of Fontaine herself... her rich heart and captivating ROSA MULTIFLORA!


clorinde — the champion duelist and the president of the spina di rosula, the one she's taken out on dates... a potential love interest?
furina — the former hydro archon, who miss navia seemed to have her eye on for quite a royal time. she's a very captivating actor, isn't she?

wriothesley — the duke would make an interesting friend of hers... she wishes to get closer with him! imagine them two in fontaine, unstoppable and charming?
neuvillette — the chief justice of fontaine, she so desperately wants to have tea with. sure, she's a little frightened but... ah, isn't everyone?

ㅤABOUT THE MUN !ㅤ ㅤajax or vani, eighteen. autistic, adhd, and BPD, please be patient with replies or if i dont understand jokes! roleplayer for 8+ years, semi-lit to novella. i enjoy light and friendly banter as well! please don't be shy to @ or DM me for roleplay!


  NAME.  navia callas
  ALIASES.  president, demoiselle
  AGE.  twenty-three
  SPECIES.  human
  BIRTHDAY.  august 16th
  GENDER.  female, she/her
  ORIENTATION.  sapphic
  LOCATION.  fontaine, poisson
  OCCUPATON.  president of spina di rosula


" some people call me "boss," others "demoiselle," but none of that does anything for me. my favorite thing to be called is "partner" — but only by you, of course. so, just know that my vainer side would be over the moon if you could indulge me a little more often. "


  ALIGNMENT.  ouisa-aligned
  LIKES.  baking, dogs, lemon cheescake
  DISLIKES.  cleaning, the wind...
  HOBBIES.  baking, travelling, investigations!


  HEIGHT.  5'7
  HAIR.  goldilocks, waist level and curled.
  EYES.  blue-blue eyes and ocean deep!
  BODY TYPE.  tall, and a little bit of muscle...
  OTHER.  some burns along her fingers from
baking, scars along her arms from
wrongly wielding her claymore

history & more

navia is a charming and sociable leader, with a heart of gold and a mind of velvet! she is seen as fontaine's collective big sister, the one who checks up on everyone and tries to please them to the best of her abilities! a people pleaser, some may call her, but she does it all from the goodness of others and to give herself a clear mind. with so many guilts from the pass, clearing the conscience with people's smiles is her number one thing! and she doesn't do what she does for the "good person points," this is all what she loves to see.navia has a knack for investigations and baking, and is a very well-known "detective" in fontaine. when there's a case, navia is most of the times the number one person dedicated to solving it! she's a devoted woman, once she has her eye on something she wishes to finish or bring justice to, it will happen! you cannot let anything slip past her, she has a keen eye and an even more keen heart for wanting to bring dark to light!the president doesn't believe in blind optimism, and is very aware of the future, past, and present. yet she still continues to be optimistic. if you want the future, you should take it into your own accord, don't wait for future to come for you. chase the future, and make sure its yours!

a graveyard is the one place navia dreads, but always visits. the reminder of death, though she breaths in adoration with a guilty head. how the words were ever so visible in front of her, here lies callas caspar.the stone felt a lot more heavier now, as though it dug through the soil and went deep into the earths core. in a way, navia wished that would happen, it would allow her to forget that her father had died and was placed just below her boots.maybe the earths core would be generous enough... to grow, and give her back melus and silver. a stone for her to cry at so it wasn't her just father she had to carry the guilt. she replays the times silver and melus had accompanied her to this exact yard, the conversation she'd locked deep with in the gold in they wished to die so close to her father, to spare her time when she wished to visit. just how could they have that confidence, she truly wonders, that they will die before i do? and how were they so right?the tears in her eyes fall onto the ground, and she wishes she could just touch the tears as though it were water from the primodorial sea and she, too, would disappear with her subordinates, even if the prophecy had passed. that was her true wish, to disappear, to reunite."demoiselle navia," she imagines melus at her side, telling her. "it's time to go." that alone is what urges her to stand up and wipe her eyes. alone, yes, that's what she was. alone.